The target of this website is to offer a platform to share knowledge and resouces on ocean and environmental science.
Liencres estuary, Spain.
A tsunami is a series of large ocean waves typically caused by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides. These waves can travel across entire ocean basins at high speeds and cause significant coastal flooding and destruction when they reach shore. I am interested in the development of complementary tools to early tsunami warning systems. Tsunami numerical models. See related publications at Research.
Infragravity waves are low frequency water waves generated by shorter period groups of waves that tend to travel together due to wave dispersion. They represent a problem for safe navigation, harbor resonance and wave amplifications, sediment transport... See related publications at Research.
Nature-based solutions for the coast involve using natural processes and ecosystems to address coastal challenges such as erosion, flooding, and habitat loss. These solutions enhance resilience, support biodiversity, and provide sustainable alternatives to traditional engineering approaches.
Estuaries can be used for flood mitigation, support biodiversity and can be used as recreational spaces
Submerged breakwaters disssipate wave energy protecting the coast, can be used to control coastal erosion and enhance habitats. See related publications at Research.
Links to media publications covering my work: